Every Child's Comfort​
Settling in​
All children are unique regarding their transition into the preschool environment.
* Visit our service beforehand and allow your child to familiarise with educators and investigate the environment within the security and comfort of you their parent.
* If the parent is at-ease the child will usually feel more comfortable during their time of transition from home into the preschool program.
* Talk to educators if you have any concerns about your child's first days.
* Keep your drop off routine consistent and predictable so that your child can be reassured and certain of what to expect.
* When you leave be sure to tell the child and remind them that you will be back to pick them up.
* Be sure to call during the day if you have any concerns that your child is not settling.
*Staff will always contact you if your child is upset and unable to calm.
Your child's comfort​
It is important that your child has their own belongings at preschool. It contributes to their sense of self and security.
All meals are provided by the parents/carers. Lunchboxes will be placed into a refrigerator. It is important to all children's health that they are provided with food that is of nutritional value. We ask for you NOT to send high fat and sugar loaded foods e.g. chocolate, chips, lollies, 'fruit' straps/ropes/lollies, muesli/LCM bars, juice, cordial, flavoured milk etc. A small home made cake or biscuit is acceptable as a 'sometimes food' snack. Please provide a lunchbox that your child can open (or easily work towards opening) independently.​​
In this time of environmental awareness, we request that parents keep packaging of food to a minimum. Food and snacks can be placed in a reusable containers, bags and pouches. This helps our environment and cuts down on our already overflowing rubbish bin.​
Food Allergies and Intolerance
We take the safety and well being of the children very seriously and have a duty of care to keep them safe. In the event that a child is enrolled at the service with a food allergy or intolerance that may be impacted by outside influences, such as exposure to food residue e.g. nuts, eggs, dairy - a risk assessment will be put in place and all families will be informed to ensure the safety of the child. It is vital that parents/carers inform Educators of all allergies and intolerance, accurately complete the relevant part of the enrollment form and provide the Director with a 'Medical Action Plan' completed by the child's Medical Practitioner.
You will need to supply your child with their own water (no milk, juice or cordials - just water!) Please supply fresh water in a leak proof bottle that your child can access, open and close independently.
Quiet time
For your child's comfort please supply:
* One flat single bed sized sheet placed in a pillowcase for storage​​ (for safety reasons please no bags with drawstrings, handles or plastic bags)​​
Please ensure your child's name is marked on all belongings. ​
Clothing, hats, sunscreen, insect repellent
Comfortable clothing that you and your child are happy to get dirty or stained by paint and colour dyes are best suitable for preschool.
*Spare clothing- Your child may become wet or dirty whilst enjoying water or messy play. At times children may have toilet accidents. Please include a set or 2 of spare clothes. along with a reusable 'wet bag' that will need to be with your child each day for the storage of their wet or soiled clothing.
*Hats- the children must bring along a hat, preferably one that can be left at preschool. Hats are compulsory for all outdoor play and excursions- even on overcast and rainy days.
*Sunscreen/Insect repellent-during the warmer months our outdoor play is usually a morning session. We ask that parents apply sunscreen before the child comes to preschool. The service does supply sunscreen and insect repellent for you to apply on arrival. If you wish to supply your own sunscreen please do not leave it in your child's bag, hand it to a staff member.​
Parent responsibilities
All parents or persons nominated by parents must register their child's arrival and departure in the sign-in book. Be sure that their arrival and departure is also acknowledged by a staff member. ​
Staff will not hand a child over to a person other than the custodial parent or guardian unless prior arrangements have been made on the 'Authorisation to Collect' list on the child's enrollment form.
Court orders - The preschool has a Custody Dispute policy in place. Please let the Director know if there are any Court Orders in place restricting any persons having access to their child who is enrolled in the preschool. We must sight the original court documentation and retain a copy with your child's file.
No minor (under the age of 18 years) will be given the responsibility or authority of a child leaving the centre.
​​Absences - if your child is absent please contact the service and indicate the length of time your child will be away. Fees still apply for absent days.
On enrollment, parents are required to provide evidence that their child or children are immunised. This is a directive from the Australian Department of Health in line with their objective of full immunisation for all children. For further information regarding the National Immunisation Program Schedule please access the link below.
Your child is considered not immunised if homeopathically treated. Parents/Carers must provide an updated Australian Immunisation History Statement or 'Immunisation History' form (children who are on a recognised catch-up program or a 'Medical Exemption' form (certified by a GP)
Children who are not vaccinated due to their parent's conscientious objection will no longer be able to access enrollment in early childhood services. Services will be penalised if found not to be complying with this regulation.
Medication, infections and preschool
Please check with the Director after any infectious illnesses your child has suffered before returning your child to the preschool. Please inform staff if your child has been ill the previous night. If medication has been required and/or prescribed consider that your child may be better at home.
All details of medication to be given at preschool are to be noted in the medication book, and signed by both the parent and a member of staff. Only medications with the original pharmacist applied label with child's name and dosage will be administered.
Please consider an ailing child will take longer to recover if sent to preschool and will infect other children and staff members.​